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汉译英 词汇 交通枢纽 transportation hub 文明风景旅游示范点 model civilized scenic site 杭州 杭州,是我国著名的历史文化名城1,也是七大古都之一。 在元朝时期2,杭州成为东南重镇,经济繁荣,风景优美,被意大利旅行家马可·波罗赞叹为3“世界上最美丽华贵的天城”。到明清,杭州社会经济文化发展仍处全国前茅。 中华人民共和国建立4以后,杭州是浙江省会,是全省政治、经济、文化中心和5交通枢纽6,西湖风景区也得到了前所未有的大规模修整,成为世界知名的风景旅游城市7。 去年杭州接待境外游客51万人次,旅游外汇收入2.1亿美元;接待国内游客2121万人次,国内旅游收入达到146亿元8。杭州市荣获首批“中国优秀旅游城市”称号,西湖风景名胜区被命名为全国10个文明风景旅游示范点之一。 译文 Hangzhou Hangzhou is a historically and culturally famous Chinese city (a famous historical and cultural city in China)1, reputed as one of seven major capitals from China’s ancient past (in the Chinese history). During the [period of] Yuan Dynasty2, Hangzhou was established as a town of strategic importance in southeast China, with a flourishing economy and beautiful scenery, being3, in the words of the Italian traveler Marco Polo, the “most beautiful and luxurious city in the world.” During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hangzhou was still leading the way in economic, social and cultural development in China. After the founding4 (creation/birth) of the People’s Republic of China, Hangzhou became the capital of Zhejiang Province, functioning as the political, economic and cultural center as well as5 a transportation hub of [in]6 the province. With the sightseeing area (sites/spot) of West Lake [being] renovated on an unprecedented scale, Hangzhou has become a city famous world wide for its scenic views7. Last year 510,000 overseas tourists visited Hangzhou, bringing in US$ 210 million, along with 21.21 million domestic tourists, earning the city 14.6 billion RMB (Hangzhou received 510 thousand overseas tourists, earning $ 210 million, along with 21.21 million domestic tourists, earning 14.6 billion RMB) 8. Hangzhou was selected (appraised as) one of the first group of “Top Tourist Cities of China,” and the West Lake Scenic Site (Spot) became one of the ten model civilized scenic sites in China. 中国软件业的长足发展 参考词汇 盗版 piracy 泛滥 rampant 中国软件业的长足发展 中国硬件业的发展取得了举世瞩目的成功。在过去的五年中,中国的个人电脑销售额年增长率约为40%,成为亚洲地区乃至世


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