冀教版九年级lesson_30science affect us.ppt

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冀教版九年级lesson_30science affect us

phrases 1.mobile phone 2.surprise sb. 3.a jar full of/filled with water 4.turn over=turn upside down 5.push up 6.push down 7.in place 8.everyday life=daily life 9.scientific development/discoveries Phrases 1.移动电话 2.让某人吃惊 3.装满水的广口瓶 4.倒过来 5.向上推 6.向下按 7.在适当的位置,原地 8.日常生活 9.科学的发展 10.科学发现 写出单词和短语: (1).英汉互译: 1. turn…over ______________ 2. push up _____________ 3.向下推__________4. 原地 _______________ (2).词形转换 : push(反义词)_______ discover (名词)______________ Science (形容词)_______________ develop (名词)_____________ Read and fill 1.Do you want to ____ your friends? 2.I_____ you try it. 3.____ the jar with the cardboard and ____ the jar_____. 4.The air pressure ______ ____ on the cardboard is higher than_____ of the water ____ ____ from inside the jar. 5.The higher ___________ outside the jar holds the cardboard _____ _____. Read again and complete 1.WangMei didn’t enjoy learning about DNA. (Tor F) 2.Who did an experiment in Science class this week?____________ 3.Does Wang Mei think the experiment they did sounds interesting?_____________. 4.The air pressure ________________________ is higher than _______ the water pushing down from inside the jar. 5.I always wonder what life would be like without computers or mobile phones.(译) 合作探究 Danny suggested that we (should) take a walk. He suggested going together in one car. I suggest asking her advice. 我建议问一下她的想法。 Her uncle suggests that she should get a job in a bank. 她叔叔建议她在银行找一份工作 I suggested to him that we should solve the problem in another way. 我向他建议我们用另一种方式解决这个问题。 (1)我建议星期天去公园。 I _____________________ on Sunday. (2)我建议他在当地报纸上登一条广告。 I ______________ he should put an advertisement in the local paper. 4. The air pressure pushing up on the cardboard is higher than that of the water pushing down from inside the jar. 纸板向上推的压力高于广口瓶里的水向下按的压力 [探究] 以上两句为省略了关系代词that/which 的定语从句。当关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时可以省略。 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. The professor ___________(give) us a talk is from Be


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