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* * * * * * * * Inca Civilization Content 1. brief introduction and history 2. believes, law and administration 3.society 4.arts and technology Inca Empire 1. It was the largest empire in pre-Columbia America. 2.The centre was in Cusco in modern-day Peru. 3.Inca civilization:13th century-16th century Origin In the 12th century, the Incas founded the kingdom of Cusco. Then, the empire Pachacuti(帕查库特克) reorganized the kingdom into Inca Empire. Expansion and consolidation 1. Methods: from conquest to peaceful assimilation.(和平同化) 2. Centered on the?Andean?mountain ranges安第斯山脉, including, Peru, ?Ecuador厄瓜多尔, Bolivia玻利维亚, Argentina阿根廷, Chile智利, and Colombia. Inca civil war and Spanish conquest 1. Inca civil war: the war of the 2 successors and the spread of smallpox天花. 2. Spanish conquest: Spanish horsemen had great technological superiority over the Inca forces. Beliefs Sapa Inca --- royal blood son of the sun Citizens --- descendents of the sun “their right to rule and mission to conquer derived from their holy ancestor” Law a?federalist system? consisted of a central government with and four quarters inspectors (lit. "he who sees all") provided information for the Sapa Inca Administration The Sapa Inca High Priest of the Sun(太阳大祭司) Inkap Rantin Royal Family Sapa Inca The emperor Coya The queen Nusta children born by queen Concubines 妃嫔 Society Language Population Religion Economy Food Language ◎Spoken language Quechua 克丘亚语 ◎No written system Quipus 奇谱(结绳记事) Language--quipus ◎Recording device consisting of colored or piled thread and strings ◎ Used for monitoring tax obligations, conducting census, calendrical information, and military organization. Population 4 million 37 million Religion Believeing in Inti – God of sun (太阳神) Inti is son of Viracocha (维拉科查 –创世主) ) Religion Cus


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