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芯片连续冲模及其工作状态动画设计 摘要 本文提出了芯片的连续冲模及起工作状态动画的设计过程,第一章节 主要论述了冲模的一般设计过程及在冲模设计中一般用些什么材料,应该 注意些什么问题,还有就是在冲压所用的设备,模具所用的材料。第二章 节则具体论述了芯片连续冲模这个题目的具体设计步骤,包括条料的排 样,凸模、凹模的设计计算及其他模具所用到的工件设计。第三章节论述 了怎样用PRO/E 制作该模具的工作状态动画设计,里面详细论述了动画制 作的步骤。 本设计的目的是芯片的连续冲模,它分为多个凸模一次冲成工件。它 根据冲压模具设计的基本设计过程,对冲压模具进行排样的选择、凹凸模 的设计,冲压模具的零部件设计和总体设计的一个完整的模具设计过程。 本研究首先汇整国内、外相关法规、标准与产品设计相关资料,然后利用 电脑辅助设计(CAD )和PRO/E 设计进行冲压模具的零部件、总体设计 的绘制和工作状态动画的制作。由结果得知,本设计所得出的芯片连续冲 模模具,符合要求。 关键词 芯片冲模;连续冲模;PRO/E 动画设计;CAD 制图 购买设计文档后加 Q--1459919609 免费领取图纸 The silicon steel sheet of the voltage transformer washes the trough mould and washes the hole mould to design Abstract This text has proposed two kinds of design processes of pressing the mould , the first kind is as the material with the silicon steel sheet , wash appointed position of slice print one trough of isosceles triangle , this is it wash trough and mould that design for voltage transformer silicon steel sheet to design in silicon steel; Another kind of method to as material , give silicon steel definitely wash with silicon steel sheet in the center position of block print one round hole too, in order to voltage transformer silicon steel sheet part needed, it specially silicon that steel sheet wash hole and design to wash hole mould for voltage transformer. Purpose that design originally whether electrical machinery voltage transformer wash block wash the trough and wash holes, get electrical machinery what voltage transformer need wash slices of part. It, according to pressing the basic design process of mold design, carry on blanking strength and calculate , press designing and an overall an intact mould design process designed of spare part of the mould in pressing the mould . This research gathers together


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