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Exocrine of the GI tract VII.1 Salivary secretion Functions of Salivary Secretion 1. Moisten food 2. Begin chemical digestion (amylase, 淀粉酶) 3. Adjust appetite 4. Bacteriostatic action (抑菌作用) (bacteriolysin, 溶菌素) Control of salivary secretion Secretion rate depends entirely on neural control both parasympathetic (Ach, M receptor) (water secretion) and sympathetic (NA, β receptor) (enzyme) lead to increased secretion VII.2 Gastric secretion Functional Anatomy of Stomach Gastric gland cells 1. Oxyntic gland (泌酸腺) Parietal cell Chief cell Mucous neck cell 2. Pyloric gland Mucus cell 3. Cardiac gland Mucus cell 4. Endocrine cells (G, D, ECL) ECL:enterochromaffin-like cell (肠嗜铬样细胞) Composition and function of gastric secretions 1. HCl converts pepsinogen to pepsin for chemical digestion provides optimal pH environment for pepsin destroys some bacteria stimulates the small intestinal mucosa to release secretin and CCK promotes the absorption of Ca2+ and Fe2+ in small intestine Composition and function of gastric secretions 2. Pepsinogen (precursor of pepsin) digestion of proteins 3. Mucus forms a protective barrier: Mucus-bicarbonate barrier 4. Intrinsic factor combines with vitamin B12 to make it absorbable Gastric Mucus-bicarbonate barrier The insoluble mucus and bicarbonate construct a barrier prevent hydrogen ions from diffusing to the mucosal layer protect the stomach mucosa from injury by hydrochloric acid and pepsin Intrinsic Factor The only gastric secretion that is essential for health Secreted from parietal cells in humans, chief cells in other species Forms a complex with vitamin B12 in the gut Resistant to digestion and enables absorption of vitamin B12 Lack of intrinsic factor causes Vit B12 deficiency (pernicious anaemia) VII.3 Regulation of Secretion Control of Gastric Acid Secretion Neurocrine (vagus/local reflexes) Endocrine (gastrin) Paracrine (histamine) Gastric secretion during digesting food VIII. Secretion



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