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自考英语国家概况知识点合集the United KindomHenry Ⅱwas the first King of the House of Plantagenet.Abolish the annual land taxThe Hundred Years’ WarBetween 1337 and 1453 3 stagesReason: territorial and economicWars of RosesBetween house of Lancaster and York(red and white)For 30 yearsCommon people were not deeply engaged in the wars Final one is between Richard Ⅲ and Henry Tudor; 1458 Ordinary people are little affected Sir Walter ScottBroke out after the Hundred years‘ WarThe English Reform began as a struggle for a divorce 17C Pilgrim’s Progress and Paradise Lost 天路历程失乐园 Edward’s switch to protestant(新教教徒 theology” the reformation Real religious came in EdwardTheFirst English Civil war began in 1642 and ended in 1646Also called “puritan revolution”The beginning of modern world historySecond… 1648 and 1651Between parliament and the KingGlorious Revolution1688Whigs and Tories ,the name of two parties, originated with it First leader: Earl of ShaftsburyWhigs: Liberal PartyTorieswere the forerunners of the Conservative PartyWhigs under Lord Grey were returned to power after more than half a century in opposition The third party is Radicals:want fundamental reformThe constitutional monarchyPolitical changeCame through gradual reformParliamentConsists ofsovereign,the House of Lords and the House of CommonsFirst p…= long p…National Health ServiceA full service in 1948The largest single employer of labour English and Whales passed in :1946 Scotland passed in: 1974The Monarchy, the oldest institution of government ,going back to at 9CFive monarchs ruled England and Whales for just 200 yearsIrelandBogs Emigration decline after the establishment of the Irish Free StateThe central lowland Aug 18 1949 declared itself a republic C1948 voted itself out of CommonwealthThe central lowland: the lightest rainfallThe Shannonriver: the largest river; provide much of the electric powerBlack Death Europe 1347-1350A terrible shortage of labourLand owners tended to change from arabl


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