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Lesson 17 * * Lesson 17 An American Tragedy 美国悲剧 Today, being driven by the necessity of doing something for himself, he entered the drug store which occupied the principal corner, facing 14th street at Baltimore, and finding a girl cashier in a small glass cage near the door, asked of her who was in charge of the soda fountain. 今天他因为急于要给自己想个办法,迫不得已,便走进了那家杂货店。这家店铺座落在巴尔第摩街路口,正面是十四号街,地位正当要冲。他看见靠近门口的一座小玻璃柜房里有一个女出纳员,就去向她打听卖汽水的柜台归谁负责。 翻译技法:分译 定语从句的译法:独立成句(分译) 翻译技法:分译 翻译技法:抽词成句 1007 英汉 Interested by his tentative and uncertain manner, as well as his deep and rather appealing eyes, and instinctively judging that he was looking for something to do, she observed: “Why, Mr. Secor, there, the manager of the store.” 这个姑娘一看他那试探和踌躇的神情和他那双深沉的、相当讨人欢喜的眼睛,便对他发生了兴趣。她直觉地揣测到他是要找事做,便说:“嗽!塞科尔先生,在那儿,他是本店的经理。” 翻译技法:添加 翻译技法:被动转主动 翻译技法:分译 翻译技法:添加 She nodded in the direction of a short, meticulously dressed man of about thirty-five, who was arranging an especial display of toilet novelties on the top of a glass case. 她朝一个三十五岁上下的矮个子男人那边点点头。那个人穿得很讲究,一点也不马虎。他正在布置一只玻璃柜上的一些新奇化妆品,要摆成一种特别的式样。 翻译技法:抽词成句 翻译技法:增添 翻译技法:分译 Clyde approached him, and being still very dubious as to how one went about getting anything in life, and finding him engrossed in what he was doing, stood first on one foot and then on the other, until at last, sensing some one was hovering about for something, the man turned: “Well?” he queried. 克莱德走到他身边,不过心里还在犹疑不定,不知道应该怎样才能找个出路,同时他又看出人家正在全神贯注地干他手头的事情,于是便站在一边,两只脚替换着歇一歇。到后来,那个经理觉得仿佛有人在他身边守着,想找他谈什么事,这才转过身来说:“有事吗?” 翻译技法:分译 翻译技法:增添 “You don’t happen to need a soda fountain helper, do you?” Clyde cast at him a glance that said as plain as anything could, “If you have any such place, I wish you would please give it to me. I need it.” “您这儿卖汽水的柜台上要不要添个助手?”克莱德对他望了一眼,把自己的迫切心情表露得再清楚不过了。“要是有这样的位置,就请您让我来干吧。我想找这么个事情。” 翻译技法:省略 “No, no, no,” replied this individual, who was blond and vigorous and by nature a little irritable and contentious. He was about to turn away, but seeing a flicker of


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