自考高级英语下Lesson 11 On Human Nature and Politics.ppt

自考高级英语下Lesson 11 On Human Nature and Politics.ppt

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自考高级英语下Lesson 11 On Human Nature and Politics

Lesson Eleven On Human Nature and Politics Bertrand Russell infinite having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude the infinite ingenuity of man infinite wealth gratified having received what was desired He was gratified to hear that his idea had been confirmed... 听到自己的想法得到了认可,他感到很开心。 They were gratified that America kept its promise. 美国政府信守承诺,这使他们感到高兴。 Paradise any place of complete bliss and delight and peace According to some religions, paradise is a wonderful place where people go after they die, if they have led good lives boa constrictor n. 大蟒蛇; 王蛇 In matters of finance, Monsieur Grandet combined the characteristics of the tiger and the boa constrictor. 讲起理财的本领,葛朗台先生是只老虎,是条巨蟒。 adequate enough to meet a purpose; an adequate income the food was adequate sparingly to a meager degree or in a meager manner;节俭地;保守地 these voices are meagerly represented at the conference date n. (北非和西亚常见的海枣树的)海枣 dwell in 住在(某地); 保留,存在 As for him, the marriage clause did not dwell in his mind. 至于他,并没有把结婚这个条款放在心上。 They dwell in the country but work in the city. 他们住在乡下,但在城里工作。 on that account 由于这个[那个]缘故 I hope you will not on that account reject what evidence I place before you. 我希望你不要因此而拒绝我向你提供的证据。 inactive not active or exerting influence Some animals are inactive during the daytime. 有些动物白天不活动。 exquisite of delicate composition and artistry; of extreme beauty; The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell... 印第安人带了精美的珠饰来卖。 Mr Zhangs photography is exquisite. 张先生的摄影作品非常精美。 viands a stock or supply of foods Greek slaves supplied them with exquisite viands at the slightest nod. 只要他们轻轻点点头希腊奴隶就会供奉给他们精美的食品。 The family sat down to table, and a frugal meal of cold viands was deposited before them. 一家老少,都围着桌子坐下.几样简单的冷食,摆在他们面前。 acquisitiveness strong desire to acquire and possess We live in an acquisitive society... 我们生活在一个物欲横流的社会。 The most acquisitive firms tend to be engineering groups. 最贪得无厌的公司往往是工程队 rivalry the act of com


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