芝加哥大学PET 成像研究的最新进展 高建民.ppt

芝加哥大学PET 成像研究的最新进展 高建民.ppt

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芝加哥大学PET 成像研究的最新进展 高建民

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Use Yield (1) (2) image ROI ROI Image 2ns FWHM x h true 2ns FWHM 600ps FWHM x h true 600ps FWHM TOF Non-TOF * * * * * * * * * HRRT: LSO/LYSO, LSO/GSO, LSO/NaI GE: LYSO/GSO ClearPET: LYSO/LuYAP * * * * * * * * * * * * This slides compare images obtained from real-rat data. The rat is about 270g and is injected with FDG, which is a glucose analog and most widely used tracer in PET imaging. Left images show maximum-intensity projection images in two angels of the 3D images obtained without correcting for the DOI blur. The right images show the MIP images in two angles of the images obtained with correction to the DOI blur. You can clearly see after correction the image resolution and contrast are much improved. They are obtained from different datasets. Left: 3-minute scans acquired immediately after injection of the tracer. Right: 1minute scan 40 minutes after the injection. The noisy structures reflect more of the fact that the data on the right contain much less count, rather the noise amplification by reconstruction. * 6/8/2009 * Courtesy of W.W. Moses * 3/1/2010 3/1/2010 * 3/1/2010 * PMT/.APD time amplitude A1 A2 counts 3/1/2010 * UWash. National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Japan 3/1/2010 * 3/1/2010 * Courtesy of C. Levin CZT Time-of-flight (TOF) PET New scintillators Electronics Multi-modality PET PET/CT: LabPET II PET/MR: MR insert, APD/SiPM PET/OI PET/SPECT 6/8/2009 * * 3/1/2010 3/1/2010 * sensitivity subject attenuation random scatter Normalized detector response image function LOR associated with mth measurement Data noise: Hardware design: Scanner geometry Detector technology Image reconstruction: Try to get the most out of the data generated by a PET system Integrative system design: Novel image reconstruction can create new ideas for PET system design, or overcome challenges 6/8/2009 * Holistic System Design FOV FOV RFOV = 56.3mm Compact - DOI Conventional 57.3mm 85.9mm Holistic System Design True Ring RFOV SREM+FB


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