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裕兴新概念英语第3册笔记(全) 2012修订版 目录 Lesson-1 3 Lesson-2 6 Lesson-3 9 Lesson-4 12 Lesson-5 14 Lesson-6 16 Lesson-7 19 Lesson-8 22 Lesson-9 24 Lesson-10 26 Lesson-11 29 Lesson-12 32 Lesson-13 38 Lesson-14 41 Lesson-15 45 Lesson-16 50 Lesson-17 54 Lesson-18 60 Lesson-19 64 Lesson-20 68 Lesson-21 73 Lesson-22 79 Lesson-23 85 Lesson-24 91 Lesson-25 96 Lesson-26 101 Lesson-27 107 Lesson-28 114 Lesson-1 cat-like 像猫一样的 mother-like childlike (lovely) (褒) childish (immature) 形容成年人不成熟 (贬) at large 逍遥自在 Eg: The desperate criminal is still at large. escape 逃跑 (从危险中成功逃脱) flee away 跑开 (run away from danger) scatter away 四处逃窜 (in different directions) evade tax 逃税 (逃避应该承担的责任) desert 擅离(职守、工作岗位、现役等);(士兵)逃亡,从…开小差 desert ones army out class 逃课 spot n./v. n. 点,斑点 Eg: There is a white spot on the shirt. a beauty spot 美人痣 solar spot 太阳黑子 spotlight 聚光灯 be in the spotlight 万众瞩目 Eg: Tom Cruse is in the spotlight in American film industry. (to achieve a lot of attention) on the spot (非正式用法) 1.立刻,马上 (at once,immediately) 2.at the place of the action 在现场 Eg: Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot. Wherever she is needed,she is quickly on the spot. A leopard will not change its spot. 江山易改,本性难移 v. to see or find sth with difficulty 不易察觉 observe (to see and notice sth) (正式) 观察,观测 discover (to find sth already in existence) recognize (to figure out sth/sb known already) detect (to disclose something hidden or in disguise) 探测 explore (to examine sth thoroughly in order to test or find out about it) evidence n. 证据 = proof Eg: When the police arrived,he had already destroied the evidence. in evidence 显而易见的 Eg: He was in evidence at the party. 他在晚会上很突出。(adj. evident adv. evidently) (witness 证人 judge 法官 jury 陪审团 court of law 法庭) self-evident a. 不言自明的 《The Declaration of Independence》 独立宣言 oblige v. 使...感到必须 (be made to do sth by law or morality) (often in pas


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