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青少版新概念组温馨提示 请各位老师到EVA处签到! 同时交上您的教案!Thanks 请及时复印教材 3A U3-4 1A U2-3 Unit3 We’ve had a long morning! Grammar focus 1:进一步学习现在完成时,重点区分have/has been to与have/has gone to的区别 2:学习ever,never时间副词在句子中的位位置和用法 Uint4 A museum piece Grammar focus 1:继续学习现在完成时 2:since,for连接是时间状语在现在完成时中的用法 Unit3 Orange group=words Red group=text Blue group=exercises Purple group=pattern Unit4 Orange group=text Red group=exercises Blue group=pattern Purple group=words 每组选出一名组长,讨论后把你们的金点子写到纸上,最经典的创意说出来。谢谢 头脑风暴 Have a break 资料领取 3A U3-4的语法专项练习 1A U1-3的语法专项练习 请到EVA处领取 数量有限 欲领从速 Unit 2 What is it ? Unit 3 Who’s that ? Is she an ugly old woman ? She…… How to teach the pattern ?(Tell me about …) 开心一刻 幸运大抽奖 规则:从获胜组中抽取一名赢家,赢家可以带来两位好友参加幸运大抽奖。 下次教研的内容:3A U5-6 1A U4-5 教研组温馨提示: 下次教研请各位务必带教材,如果没有教材的老师请提前复印课文 * * Grammar focus 1.熟练掌握用指示代词this和that的提问及回答。 2.能用颜色来描述物品。 Grammar focus 学生能够用后置定语描述人或物 Unit 2. How to teach the text ? A: What’s this/that ? B: It’s a camera . A: Whose is this camera ? B: It’s Paul’s . A: What colour is Paul’s camera ? B: It’s blue . How to teach the pattern ? Unit 3. How to teach the text ? relationship Name Robert Mr.Jenkins Mrs.Jenkins Lucy Paul father mother sister cousin Annie :Who is that boy ? Polly :Which boy ? Annie : The boy on the silver bicycle . Polly : That’s Robert Jenkins . Robert the boy on the silver bicycle Lucy the girl on the grey horse Paul the young man in the yellow car Karen the woman in the blue taxi William the man with the black umbrella Polly the woman with the brown bag *


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