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Unit 4 Lesson 7 Robert isnt well. Lets Guess! Use your body language to tell us whats the matter with you. 关于be动词 be动词可以具体分为三个词:am,is,are它们的意思均为 “是”。 当主语是 I 的时候, 所用的be动词为am,例:I am Rina. 当主语是单数的第三人称,he/she/it的时候,所用的be动词为is,例:He is Tim. She is Mary. It is a dog. 当主语是第二人称you,或者第三人称复数they的时候,所用的be动词为are,例:You are David. They are workers. 萝卜蹲 老师给每人发4个新单词或词组的纸条,由一名同学开始,读出自己手中之一的单词,例如“student蹲,student蹲,student蹲完···”,该学生喊出下一个今天已学的单词,例如“student蹲完father蹲!”则持有“father”这一单词的同学继续:“father蹲,father蹲,father蹲完····”以此类推,每位同学在读的同时必须做下蹲动作。越快越好! Guided Conversation P29 1 Answer questions about the text. P29 2 Ask question about the text. Read and act Read this text and act it with your partners. 宾果游戏 老师发给学生一人一张白纸,在纸上先画好正方形(可能是4×4,5×5),然后将数字1—16随意填入方格内,老师此时任意问一些英文问题,答对的孩子有喊数字的权利,全班依照喊的数字依次画圈,先连成一条线(横,竖,斜)的就喊Bingo,表示赢了。 Multiple choice ( ) 1. ---Look ____ my new coat. A. on B. at C. off ( ) 2. ---How are you? ---_____________. A. Not bad B. How are you C. Thank you ( ) 3. Whats______name? A. you B. your C. he ( ) 4. My______are big. A. ears B. ear C. eye ( )5. Look, my ruler is short. Its not______ A. tall B. short C. long Multiple choice ( ) 6. Is he busy _____ free? A. or B. and C. with ( ) 7. A: Is Louise very silly? B: ______ She is very clever. A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. She is very silly. ( ???)?8.?---________?is?your?teacher??????????-- -?The?man?with?black?coat.? ??????A.?Who????????????B.?Where????????C.?What? (????)?9.?Mr.?Jenkins?is?_____?Robert’s?father.??????? A.?a????B.?the???????????C.?/ ? (????)?10.?---?Karen?isn’t?well.?She?is?ill.? ????????---?Oh,?poor?Karen.?____________________? ??????A.?I?am?sorry.???????B.?That’s?right.????C.?Better?safe?than?sorry.?(????)?4.?Her?umbrella?is?_____?the?table.? ??????A.?on??????????????B.?of????????????C.?with (????)?11.?I?______very?happy.? ??????A.?is???????????????


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