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4. Textual Function Textual Function refers to the existence of a mechanism in the language, which can organize any stretch of verbal or written discourse into a coherent and unified chapters and make a living language fragment distinguish from a random permutation. 语篇功能是语言中的机制,语篇功能是指语言中存在一种机制,可以将任何的一段口头或书面的话语组织成连贯统一的篇章,使一个活的言语信息片段区别于一堆随机排列的句子。 In our daily use, the basic unit of language is not word or sentence,but the text “语篇”. In order to make other two functions work, the speaker must organize them together. This is called textual function. language makes links with itself and with features of the situation which it is used.This enables the speaker or writer to construct a text that is connected. The textual metafunction enables the realization of the relation between language and context, making the language user produce a text which matches the context. The relevant grammatical systems include Theme, Given and New, as well as the systems of cohesion, such as Reference, Substitution, and Ellipsis. Three Routes: Thematic relations主位结构 Information structure 信息结构 Cohesion 衔接 The concept of Theme is important to in functional approaches to syntax. Theme 主位 The theme is the first constituent, and it denotes the starting point of the clause---what it is going to be about. 主位是信息的出发点,是所谈论的对象或基础,句子是围绕主位这个成分组织起来的,传达的是已知信息。 - The starting point of the clause message Realized in English by first position in a cluase Must contain a participant, process or circumstances Includes any element preceding the first participant, process or circumstances; Multiple theme Rheme 述位 The rest part of the clause is called rheme,the information that is new. 述位则是对主位的描述,描写和说明,传达的是新信息。 Summary Textual function, enables speakers or writers to construct a text and enables listeners to readers to distinguish a text from a random set of sentences. to make it clear to our audience 2. to emphasize, or make prominent, the essential element of it. 3.3 Speech Function(言语功能)


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