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Comparison between Han han and Mint.G ;A TRUE MAN WHO ALWAYS CARES FOR USUAL PEOPLE. ;He believes failure is the mother of success, fueling his self-confidence.? ???? Now he also makes money as a professional racing driver, and through advertising on his blogs.? ;2000年出版长篇小说《三重门》 2001年出版散文集《零下一度》 2002年出版小说《像少年啦飞驰》 2002年出版作品精选集《毒》、《毒2》 2003年出版杂文集《通稿2003》 2004年出版小说《长安乱》 2004年3月出版文集《韩寒五年文集》.作品有法国、韩国、香港、新加坡、台湾、日本版本。 2005年 出版赛车随笔《就这么漂来漂去》 2006年 出版长篇小说《一座城池》 2006年 出版文集和唱片《寒·十八禁》 2007年 出版长篇小说《光荣日》 2008年3月 出版博客精选集《杂的文》 2009年1月 出版长篇小说《他的国》 2009年6月 出版精选文集《草》 2009年7月 出版博文精选集《可爱的洪水猛兽》 2010年9月 出版长篇小说《1988 我想和这个世界谈谈》 ;A gifted writer;The first sentence of The New York Times reported the title Chinas Pop Fiction (popular novelist) GJM, the article is: Today, the most successful writers in China is a 24-year-old the teen idols writer GJM. 《纽约时报》以《China’s Pop Fiction》(中国流行小说家)为题报道了郭敬明,文章的第一句是:“现今,中国最成功的作家是24岁的青春偶像作家郭敬明。” ;Domestic readers: overrated For Guo, the circle out of the loop has been no lack of evaluation, before the domestic magazine described him as the most commercially successful young writer once controversial. Some netizens said GJM literary achievements certainly can not be compared with many contemporary writers, even in the commercial success than hes also a lot of people.;The the GJM personal self-assessment: the the pessimistic optimist worship life of freedom and the goodness of human nature. 郭敬明的个人自评是:悲观的乐观主义者,崇拜自由的生活和善良的人性。 ;His representative work;悲伤逆流成河 ----cry me in the river; Han is born on 1982-09-23,while Guo in 1983-06-06 , Han is one year older than Guo ;Both of them have achieved great success in literature.;Han Han and Guo Jingming are both the best writers group, is a Cenozoic writers have extensive discourse right opinion leaders, deeply influenced young people 80, 90, they have a large number of readers and fans, their character will become fashionable for a time, it is particularly important, their energy


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