音系学 stress foot.pptx

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English Stress --Stress, Foot, Metrical Structure;Outline;Word stress;Stress and Syllable Structure;Final stress;Final stress;;There are a number of noun-verb pairs in English that are distinguished by their stress patterns, the nouns having nonfinal and the corresponding verbs final stress. Examples: Nouns Verbs ?di?gest di?gest ?es?cort es?cort ?sur?vey sur?vey ?tor?ment tor?ment ?con?vict con?vict ;Nonfinal stress;Some general properties of English word stress: ; 2. stressed placement is predictable in some but unpredictable in other respects. examples: a. ?badminton ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?b.?va?nilla ?calendar ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?ma?donna ?cylinder ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?con?fetti The words in (b) ought to have antepenultimate stress because they have light penultimate syllables; instead they stress the penult and resort to ambisyllabicity to make that syllable heavy. It is wrong to analyze vanilla phonemically as /v?.n?l.l?/ and assume that the word has not only a double –l spelling but also a geminate (double) /l/ in its underlying phonological presentation. Conclusion: words in (b) have irregular stress, and that the spelling perhaps indicates irregular stress while not suggesting any peculiarities of the phonemic presentations. ;;Stress and nonphonological structure;On the phonological side, suffixes may be divided into two classes– stress-shifting and stress-neutral. On the morphological side, into inflectional and derivational suffixes. Properties of Stress-neutral suffixes: 1. they never make any difference to the stress pattern of their base, that is, of the word to which they are attached. (e.g. tally+ -s→ tallies)


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