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Slide 1 (of 11) Chapter 4 Linear Algebra Problems Chapter 4 Linear Algebra Problems Inputting Special Matrices Fundamental Matrix Operations Fundamental Matrix Transformations Solving Matrix Equations Nonlinear Functions and Matrix Function Evaluations Chapter summary 4.1 Inputting Special Matrices Numerical matrix input Defining symbolic matrices 4.1.1 Numerical matrix input Matrices of zeros, ones and identity matrices Matrices with random elements Diagonal matrices Hankel matrices Hilbert matrices and their inverses Vandermonde matrices Companion matrices Matrices of zeros, ones and identity matrices The syntax of matrices of zero matrix, identity matrix and matrix of ones square matrix rectangular matrix with the same size of B Multi-dimensional arrays and other data forms are also supported Example 4.1 Generate a zero matrix A, and generate a expanded unit matrix B with the same dimension as matrix A. MATLAB solutions: Note: zeros() and ones() can also be used to define multi-dimensional arrays. Matrices with random elements Each element of matrix satisfies a uniform distribution in . The syntax: An uniformly distributed random matrix An random Function rand() can also be used to define multi-dimensional random arrays Declare a random matrix of size The uniform distribution matrix over [a,b] interval can be generated with Define a standard normal distributed N(0,1) random matrices Generating N(m,s2) random numbers Diagonal matrices Mathematical description to a diagonal matrix where all the non-diagonal elements are 0 Define a matrix from given vector Extract diagonal vector from a given matrix Define the kth diagonal Note: k can be assigned to negative integers Example 4.2 Different calling formats of diag() function Generate a diagonal matrix: Diagonal elements extraction: Input the corresponding diagonal line V Generate the tri-dia


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