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印刷技术术语(中英) terminologh of printing technology printing 书刊印刷 book and periodical printing 包装印刷 package printing 证券印刷 security printing 印刷适性 printability 压印线 nip 单张印刷 sheet-fed printing 卷筒印刷 web feed printing 单包印刷 single-color printing 无压印刷 non-impact printing 制版 platemaking 打样 proofing 套印不准 out of register 重影 ghosting 背面粘脏 set-off 透印 print through 印版滚筒 plate cylinder 压印滚筒 impression cylinder 橡布滚筒 blanket 水印刷 printing stock 印刷油墨 printing ink 印刷图文载体 printing image carrier 印版 printing plate 复制版 duplicate plate 包衬 cylinder-packing 印后加工 post-press finishing 文字排版 text composition 印刷字体 printing type face 版式 page layout 版面 type area 版心 type page 版O margins 天头 head margin 地脚 foot margin 横排 horiontal setting of types 竖排 vertical setting of types 行空 line space 另页排 set on new leaf 另面排 set on new page 标题级序 title series 串文 illustration and text juxtaposed setting 排版禁则 typesetting taboo 背题 bottom line title 排版毛条 galleys 排版毛坯 type set matter 核对 proofreading 改版 form correcting 活字排版 type composition 活字 printing type 字铅合金 type metal 活字字面 type face 活字基准线 base line 点制 point system 活字高度 type-high 字面率 type face proportion 字号 type size 铅字 space 倍数铅字 multiple quadrat 分数铅字 fractional space 倒空 turned letter 铅条 leads 水线 rule 模切刀 die-cutting rule 花边 bordering ornament 排版量尺 typesetting gauge 字模 type matrix 铸字 type casting 拣字 compose 球震转印机 cronapress conversion system 铸字排版 hot-metal typesetting 铸排机 hot-metal type setting machine 整行铸排 line composing and casting 单字铸排 individual type composing and casting 打字排版 type writer composition 手动照相排版 manual photo type setting 字模版 matrix grid 级数制 type size system for manual photo type setting 揭膜改版法 film stripping correction 变形文字 deformed letters 自动照相排版 automatic photo type setting 字模版式计算机排版 computerized matrix grid photo type setting 阴极射线发式计算机排版 computerized CRT phototype setting 激光式计算机排版 computeriz


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