马蹄金叶斑病发生与室内药剂毒力测定 - 林业工程学报.pdf

马蹄金叶斑病发生与室内药剂毒力测定 - 林业工程学报.pdf

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马蹄金叶斑病发生与室内药剂毒力测定 - 林业工程学报

1 2* 3 张岳峰 吴小芹 王玲 ( 1 2 3 ) :通过对马蹄金叶斑病病原菌的分离培养等研究, 按照柯赫 法则确定此病由胶孢炭疽菌和交链孢引起 的室内药剂毒力测定实验表明,保鲜克和百菌清对炭疽菌和交链孢菌丝的扩展蔓延作用较好, 代森锌和退菌特 对炭疽菌和交链孢的孢子萌发有较好的抑制作用 :马蹄金; 病原菌;室内毒力测定 O ccurrence of Leaf Spot onD ichond ra R ep ens and F ungicides V iru lence M ea suren tM ZHANG Yue-feng, WU X iao-qing, WANG Ling A bstract: ased on the isolation and culture of pathogen and upon the procedure of Koch. s postulation, the leaf spot onD i- chondra rep ens w as determ ined to be caused by Colletotrich um sp. andA lternaria sp. . The results of fungicides virulence measurement in laboratory show ed that gaucho and chlorothalonilwere useful to inhibitmycelium grow th of Co lletotr ichum sp. andA lternaria sp. , while dmi ethachlon and zineb w as good in inhibiting spore sprouting of Colleto trichum sp. andA lter- naria sp. . K ey w ord s: D ichondra rep ens; Pathpgen; V irulencemeasure in laboratory F irst au thor. s address: The Station of Forest D isease and Insect ests ControlQuarantrine of Shanghai, 200072, Shang- ha,i China (D ichondra rep ens ) ; , 50% , , , , , , , , 1. 3 病组织分离培养与病原菌鉴定 , ; , , , 5~ 6, 5mm @ 5mm, 70% , 2~ 3m in , 0. 1% 3~ , , 4m in, 3 , , PDA ( 200 g, 20 g, 17 g, 1000mL), 3~ 5 1 25e 7 d, 1. 1 供试菌株 , , ( , 1. 4 室内药剂毒力的测定 , ) : ( 1) 1. 2 供试药剂 , , , 25% , ; , 1mL,


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