世界历史大事记(The history of the world).doc

世界历史大事记(The history of the world).doc

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世界历史大事记(The history of the world)

世界历史大事记(The history of the world) A million years ago, humans mastered the use of fire. Twenty thousand years ago, humans invented bows and arrows. Ten thousand years ago, mankind entered the settled agricultural society. In the first 7, 000 years, pottery kiln and moulding pottery were already made in yangshao culture in China. The first solar calendar was invented in ancient Egypt in 4241. In the first four thousand years, egyptians have mastered pottery making, metallurgy, wine vinegar manufacturing and pigment dyeing. In the first 2,500 years egyptians used sand and soda to make glass. In the year 2100, the mesopotamians invented the sixties and multiplication tables. In the previous year 2000, egyptians invented decimal, integer and fractional calculation, triangular and circular area calculation, square Angle pyramid and cone volume calculation method; Preservatives were invented to preserve the mummy. In 1950, the babylonians were able to solve two variables once and twice. In the first 1200 years, China made silk silk. In the first 1200 years, Chinas Yin shang bronze (copper tin alloy) metallurgical technology has reached a mature stage. First 1066-221 BC, the zhou dynasty. The first 770-476, the spring and autumn period. In the first 770 years, China has cast iron. In the first 722 years, China began to use the dry notes day. In the first 700 years, guan zhong (former 725-645) recorded the magnetic stone. In the first seven centuries, the babylonians discovered the saro cycle of the eclipses. In the first 611 years, China had the earliest record of comets, known as Halleys comet. In the first six centuries, Thales of Greece (Thales, former 625-547) discovered that the amber friction was electroless and found the magnetite to absorb iron. In the first six centuries, Pythagoras, Greece, proved the Pythagorean theorem, discovered the irrational number, proposed the sphericity of the earth, and studied the rhythm. In the first six centuries, indians calculated



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