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水足跡概念介紹暨臺灣水稻水足跡分析 The Water Footprints of Rice in Taiwan 臺灣大學生物環境系統工程學系 教授 張尊國 Tsun-Kuo Chang 摘 要 水足跡是一個用水的指標,指出消費者或生產者直接與間接的水總使用量。個人、 社區(國家)或者企業的水足跡定義為用來生產貨物和提供服務所需消耗淡水的總量。 水足跡由三個部分組成︰藍色,綠色和灰色的水足跡。水足跡概念與虛擬水概念密切相 關,但是水足跡具地理上明確指標,不僅顯示水的使用量和污染量,而且指示位置。不 過,水足跡不提供產品實耗水量與當時水資源壓力或者環境影響關聯的資訊。本文介紹 這些概念並利用水足跡來分析台灣稻米之水足跡。 關鍵字:水足跡,虛擬水,稻米。 Abstract The water footprint is an indicator of water use that includes both direct and indirect water use of a consumer or producer. The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual or community or produced by the business. A water footprint consists of three components: the blue, green and grey water footprint. The water footprint is a geographically explicit indicator, not only showing volumes of water use and pollution, but also the locations. However, the water footprint does not provide information on how the embedded water is contributing to water stress or environmental impacts. The water footprint concept is closely linked to the virtual water concept. Virtual water is defined as total volume of water required to produce a commodity. This paper introduced the concept and computation of water footprint analysis for rice production in Taiwan. Keywords: water footprint, virtual water, rice production. 1 一、前言 水是萬物賴以維生的要素,而人體內 70%為水分。地球上覆蓋有大面積的海洋, 卻僅有 1%淡水資源可直接為人類所利用,然而隨著人口增加、社會經濟發展、水資 源配用需求增加以及對水質安全的要求,使得有限的淡水資源出現供需不平衡的現 象,相對來說淡水資源在使用上也變得日益稀有。 2002 年聯合國更宣告「擁有乾淨無 虞的用水,是基本人權之一」,儼然進入「藍金(水)時代」。隨著產業結構之變遷與 人口密度增加,農業用水與民生用水、工業用水之間的競


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