三险一金以及五险一金具体指什么作何用处(What does triple insurance and five social insurance and one housing fund refer to How to use it).doc

三险一金以及五险一金具体指什么作何用处(What does triple insurance and five social insurance and one housing fund refer to How to use it).doc

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三险一金以及五险一金具体指什么作何用处(What does triple insurance and five social insurance and one housing fund refer to How to use it)

三险一金以及五险一金具体指什么作何用处(What does triple insurance and five social insurance and one housing fund refer to How to use it) Full insurance: basic endowment insurance, basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance, housing provident fund. 1, endowment insurance: individual pays base of wage 4%, the enterprise pays 10% of salary base, individual expends to legal normal retirement age. 2, medical insurance: basic medical insurance individual pay wage base 2%, unit to pay 9.8% of the basic salary of its 0.8% parts into the personal account; large medical expenses of personal funds to pay 3 yuan per month, unit pay wage base 1%. When individuals are ill, they are jointly insured by the basic medical insurance scheme and individual accounts. More than the overall basic medical insurance fund Qifubiaozhun, in accordance with the proportion of medical expenses shall be borne by the individual. The personal account is insufficient and the payment is made by myself. 3, unemployed insurance: individual pays base of X of salary base 0.5%, the unit pays 1.5% of wage base. Participate in the unemployment insurance in accordance with the provisions of the unit and I have been required to fulfill payment obligations for 1 years; suspension of employment is not voluntary; have undergone unemployment registration and job requirements, can receive unemployment insurance. 4, housing accumulation fund: individual pay base of X 8%, unit pay salary base of 8%. Individual purchase, construction, rehabilitation, overhaul occupied housing; retired, lose labor ability completely, and termination of labor relations unit; accounts from the host city, county or country resettlement; purchase, repay loans; rent beyond the family wage income the proportion of housing provident fund can be extracted. About five social insurance and one housing fund The five social insurance and one housing fund is about five kinds of insurance, including pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, wor



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