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a克夫刽哇练水 a克式卫L 也f曹息 ~ ~1革 超声冲击电弧增材制造钦合金零件的各向异性研究 何智胡洋曲宏韬王志敏步贤政 (北京航星机器制造有限公司,北京 100013) 摘要:电弧增材制造钦合全构件中容易形成粗大柱状晶,导致组织和力学性能的各向异性, 为了解决这一问题,拟禾用超声冲击与电弧增材制造相结合来改支内部组织以实现性能的优化. 研究发现,超声冲击能够使钦合金沉积层内部的粗大柱状晶转变为细小等轴晶。同时,其抗拉 强度各向异性百分比由 12.5%缩;成为 1 .5%。超声冲击促进了沉积层的位错增姐及迁移,造成晶 粒破碎的同时增多了形核质点.这些新增质点改变了形核环境,提高了变形储能,在后续沉积 层热作用下通过回复再结晶和相变形成细小的等轴品. 关键词:超声冲击i 电弧增材制造;仗令全;各向异性 Research on Anisotropy ofTitanium Alloy Manufactured by Ultrasonic Impact Treatment and Wire and Arc Additive Manufacture He Zhi Hu Yang Qu Hongtao Wang Zhimin Bu Xianzheng (Beijing Hangxing Machinery Manufacturing Corporation , Beijing 100013) A b stract: Coarse columnar grains easily form in titanium alloy during WAAM (Wire and Arc additive manufacture) , which leads to poor mechanical properties. In order to solve this problem , UIT (Ultrasonic Impact Treatment) and WAAM are combined to change the microstructure and improve the mechanical properties. lt was found that UIT avoided the formation of coarse columnar grain, and transformed it to fine equiaxed grains. Meanwhile, the anisotropy percentage of UITed samples can be decreased from the 12.5% of the sample w ithout urT to the 1.5%. The UIT promoted the multiplication and migration of the dislocations in the deposited layers. It broke the grains , and increased the nucleus number, which changed the nucleating environment and increased deformation energy. It then changed coarse columnar grains to be equiaxed grains by recovery, recrystal1ization and phase transformation induced by the thermal effect of subsequent deposited layers. K ey words: ultrasonic impact treatment: wire and arc additive manufacture: titani um alloy: anisotropy 1 引言


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