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The Principal Designers Of Streamlining;Raymond Loewy Biography;他的第一个工业设计是1929年为吉斯特纳公司重新设计的速印机(图9-2)。当时公司给他5天时间进行这项工作,在如此短的时间内只能完成视觉简化工作,但吉斯特纳公司对此印象颇佳,便委托他对后来的一些型号进行彻底的改型设计。罗维将改善外观与提高操作效率及减少清洁面积结合起来,使原来油腻、零乱的机器变成了一种时髦的流线型产品,影响至今。 ;Raymond Loewy; 罗维还长于运输工具的设计,在20世纪30年代设计了各种汽车、火车和轮船,影响很大。他也是流线型风格的积极倡导者,在这一时期所作的大多数设计都带有明显的流线型风格。1932年,罗维设计了“休普莫拜尔”小汽车(图9-4),该车是获得美国汽车阶层好评的首批车型之一,标志着对于老式轿车的重大突破。 ; S-1 locomotive 1938;The Automobile of the Future (1938) and The Taxicab of the Future (1938). Both were presented at the World's Fair, 1939. In this golden age of the airbrush, a sheen was given to metal and glass. Trains of mist behind the wheels and body enhanced the look of movement. Loewy was dedicated to the teardrop shape as scientifically the perfect shape, the ultimate shape.; ;The Studebaker Commander Starliner ;he also designed studebaker's last car before its demise, the avanti of 1961/ 1962, a sleek, futuristic sports car. (avanti, italian for 'forward) sherwood egbert, the new president of studebaker, hired raymond loewy to help energize studebaker’s soon-to-be released line of 1963 passenger cars to attract younger buyers. loewy agreed to take on the job, despite the short 40-day schedule allowed to produce a finished design and scale model. the car received rave reviews, but because of a series of production problems, the public had to wait to drive it. studebaker corporation closed in 1963, and it wasn't until 1965, when the avanti motor corporation was formed, that the avanti went back into production. his main direction included the following points: - minimize chrome - avoid decorative moldings - accent the wedge-shaped silhouette - stress long, down-slanted hood - abbreviate the rear and tuck it under - place instrument panel overhead, above windshield as in aircraft - install aircraft-type knobs and levers on the console - pinch the waistline, as Le Mans-type racing cars - design hoods with an off-center panel - accent sp


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