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第 28 卷第 3 期 南 京 林业大 学学 报( 自 然科 学 版) Vo l. 28 , No. 3 2004 年 5 月 Journal of N anjing Forestry Universit y ( N atural Sciences Edition) May, 2004 汽蒸处理回复赤按干燥皱缩的研究 陈太安,顾炼百* (南京林业大学干燥技术研究所,江苏 南京 210037) 摘 要:针对赤枝干燥易发生皱缩的现象, 用汽蒸处理使皱缩赤校材回复, 并用皱缩系数来衡量木材干燥与汽 蒸处理过程中的皱缩程度。结果表明: 在含水率为 3.9% 时对赤按皱缩材进行2.5 h 的汽蒸处理,可以便赤枝 干燥过程中产生的皱缩有效地回复, 20mm 厚试材的截面高度皱缩系数从 25.5% 下降到 6.36% ,截面积皱缩 系数从 25.1 % 下降到 5.87% , 25 mm 厚试材的截面高度皱缩系数从 23.2% 下降到 5.28% ,截面积皱缩系数 从 22.85% 下降到 5.34% 皱缩的回复主要发生于处理前期 且与木材的吸温具有较强的相关性。 关键词: 赤校; 汽蒸处理; 皱缩回复; 皱缩系数 中图分类号 TS652 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1000- 2006(2004)03- 0034- 03 Effect of the Steaming on Euca(月Jtus c,αmαldulensis Lumber Drying ωllapse Recovery CHEN Ta卡an, GU Lian- bai * (Drying Technology In slilul e of Nanjin g Foreslry Universil y, Nanjin g 210037 , China) Abstract: As an excellent raw material for floor and high-quarlit y furniture , Eucαlyp tus cαmaldu­ lensis lumber is hard to be dried and most dry ing defects are collapsed and split. In this paper , steaming is used to reco ver the collapsed Eucαlyp tus lumber and collapse coefficient is proposed as an index of the collapse sever让y. The results show: The crosS sectional area and h e ight collapse co- efficient of 20 mm thick board decrease from 25. 1% to 5 . 87% and from 25 . 5% to 6 . 36% , r e- spectively. Th e crosS sectional area and height collapse coefficient of 25 mm thick board decrease from 22 . 85% to 5 . 34% and from 23 . 2% to 5. 28% , respectiv ely. Most collapse reco very happens in the early stage of steaming and correlates w ith M C chang e strongly. Ste


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