11. Psychology and Child Abuse - Dr. Carolyn …(11。).pdf

11. Psychology and Child Abuse - Dr. Carolyn …(11。).pdf

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11. Psychology and Child Abuse - Dr. Carolyn …(11。)

11. Psychology and Child Abuse Carolyn Moore Newberger Psychology as a profession is remarkably diverse. Different branches of psychology address themselves to different aspects of human functioning, such as cognition, personality, psychophysiology, and psychopathology. Psychologists may be trained to work as clinicians in hospitals, clinics, schools, industry, and private practice; or as re~ searchers in universities, government agencies, or private consult· ing firms. This diversity is reflected in the many roles psychologists play in the child abuse field. As researchers, psychologists have contributed substantially to our knowledge of the causes and effects of child abuse. As clinicians, psychologists offer diagnostic insights, particularly through psychological testing and evaluation, and treat· ment of parents and children. In this chapter, contributions of clinical psychologists to the eval- uation and treatment of abused children and their families will be described. However, since evaluation and treatment are guided by theories of cause and outcome, current understanding of the psy- chology of the adult who abuses a child, and of the developmental outcome of the child who has been abused will first be reviewed. PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ABUSIVE PARENTS Child abuse is currently thought to arise from several possible sources. Societal factors [25], the physical and social environment [23, 24, 49], characteristics of the child [21, 44], and dysfunction in the parent-child relationship [16, 36, 37, 54] have all been identified as contributing to the incidence of child abuse. But the most abun- dant literature has been concerned with the psychological character~ istics of parents who have abused their children. Kempes [34] id



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