教师申报县优秀教师事迹材料 - 大海 MySpace聚友博客(The teacher declared excellent teachers deeds material - sea MySpace Baidu blog).doc

教师申报县优秀教师事迹材料 - 大海 MySpace聚友博客(The teacher declared excellent teachers deeds material - sea MySpace Baidu blog).doc

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教师申报县优秀教师事迹材料 - 大海 MySpace聚友博客(The teacher declared excellent teachers deeds material - sea MySpace Baidu blog)

教师申报县优秀教师事迹材料 - 大海 MySpace聚友博客(The teacher declared excellent teachers deeds material - sea MySpace Baidu blog) The teacher declared excellent teachers deeds material - sea MySpace Baidu blog Email: Password: register home page, album, blog, group, game, music, PLAY, find friends, search, search, search the whole station Member Music Musician show Interest video Blog Write blog, blog focus, my blog, sea blog, teacher reporting, county excellent teacher deeds material 2008/08/30 19:54 [promotion materials] teacher reporting County excellent teacher deeds material Outstanding teachers deeds material Using heart to do well in class management Class management is a science of educating people, and it is also an art of educating people. It requires the head teacher to spend more time, more understanding, more observation, more brains. I have been working as a teacher in charge of the class since I graduated from the University. I deeply feel the management of the class and guide the students to use the heart and use the heart. The love of the students, to care, patience and sincerity, let go the heart of class cadres, and teachers collaboration of heart, heart of the parents, on their own initiative training . With these heart, the class is good management. I. love Five years ago, I was very nervous when I first came to the platform as a teacher in charge of my class. But when the whole class welcomed me with a warm hand, I was embarrassed, and my soul and soul were strongly shocked. It was so glorious to be a teacher. I love them from the bottom of my heart. After working for several weeks, I gradually realized that having the heart to love every student is the top priority of managing the class. As a teacher in charge of a class, we have the longest time to contact students, live in the middle of the students, talk with the students, and know that the students need the love and care of the teachers. But this love is not love to get one or several children, but all the



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