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Witnessing, Remembrance, Commemoration: Calendar ARTHI 5807 001 VCS 5010 003 Professor: Margaret Olin tel: (312) 345-3771 molin@ Requirements: Readings: All readings are due on the day they are assigned. Articles are located on Docutek; books are in the DePaul bookstore. Come to class prepared to discuss them, or don’t come to class. A presentation assignment based on the reading will be explained in class. Reports: Twenty minute reports based on projects of your choice, to be discussed with and approved by me, during the month of September. Papers: 10-20 page papers based on the seminar report, but not necessarily identical to it. September 1: Introduction September 8: Witnessing Genesis 31:43-32:3 and Deuteronomy 19:15-21. From The Hebrew Bible in English, according to the JPS 1917 Edition ? 2002 all rights reserved to Mechon Mamre for this HTML version /e/et/et0.htm The Gospel According to St. John. From The New English Bible. Oxford, Cambridge: Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, 1961, 1970. “Witness to the Faith,” New Catholic Encyclopedia , 19 vols. New York : McGraw-Hill, [1967-1996], s.v. Frisch, Andrea. “The Witness and the Judge.” The Invention of the Eyewitness, pp. 21-40. Chapel Hill: North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 2004. By this week you should have read halfway through the Plague. September 15 The Art of Testimony Albert Camus, The Plague (1947). Stuart Gilbert translation, Vintage. If you have another translation of this book, or even if you are reading the French edition, you will still be required to cite from this edition. September 22 Memory Yates, Frances A. “The Three Latin Sources for the Classical Art of Memory.” The Art of Memory, pp. 1-26. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966. Carruthers, Mary J. “Descriptions of the Neuropsychology of Memory.” The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Cultur


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