第一节术前准备(Preoperative preparation).doc

第一节术前准备(Preoperative preparation).doc

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第一节术前准备(Preoperative preparation)

第一节术前准备(Preoperative preparation) Chapter x treatment of perioperative period Perioperative management (perioperative management) is to prepare and facilitate postoperative recovery. The perioperative period from the patients decision requires surgical treatment. Trauma patients may only have a few minutes before surgery, and complex patients may need to Several days, to check the condition, to prepare preoperative preparation, so that the patient has sufficient thought preparation and good body condition. surgery After that, we should take comprehensive treatment measures to prevent and control the possible complications, and restore physiological functions as soon as possible, so as to prompt the patient to early Recovery. The length of postoperative period can vary depending on the disease and operation. Preoperative preparation The patients preoperative preparation is closely related to the severity of the disease and the size of the operation. According to the time limit for the operation Sex, surgery can be divided into three kinds: emergency surgery: for example, traumatic bowel rupture, which is necessary in the shortest time Immediate operation after backup. In the case of the great blood vessel rupture in the thoracic cavity and so on, it is necessary to race against the clock Urgent surgery. A time limit operation: for example, all kinds of malignant tumor radical surgery, although the time of operation may be optional, but it should not be delayed long, Preoperative preparation should be done in as short a time as possible. Elecoperative procedure: for example, the general benign tumor resection and groin Defect repair, etc., may choose the appropriate time for surgery before adequate preoperative preparation. Before the operation, it is necessary to know enough about the patients body condition to find out the potential of the whole course Factors, including mental and nutritional status, heart, lung, liver, kidney, endocrine, blood and immune system fu



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