2011boao文本文档(Boao text document).doc

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2011boao文本文档(Boao text document)

2011boao文本文档(Boao text document) Boao, hainan, China, April 15, 2010 Promoting common development and building a harmonious Asia -- speech at the opening ceremony of BBS 2011 annual conference in boao Asia (boao, hainan, April 15, 2011) Hu jintao, President of the Peoples Republic of China Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, First of all, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the BBS 2011 annual conference in boao Asia. I would like to express my sincere welcome to you all. A decade ago, boao Asia BBS was established in the joint efforts of Asian parties and people. This is an important sign that Asias unity consciousness and willingness to cooperate are growing in the new situation. Ten years, the boao Asia BBS in condensed Asian consensus, voice transmission Asia and promote cooperation has played an important role in Asia, has become one of the world has important influence on the economic BBS. Boao Asia BBS has been able to grow, thanks to rapid development in Asia, and has witnessed and promoted this historical process. Over the past decade, Asian economies have developed rapidly, regional cooperation has been vigorously promoted and international influence has continued to improve. The Asian economy has been the first to stabilize the recovery in the international financial crisis and has become an important engine for the recovery and growth of the world economy. Asias development has not only changed the destiny of the Asian people, but also affected the development of the world. After the extraordinary journey back in Asia, we have a common feeling, under the condition of complex and changeable international situation, Asia can such profound changes, such significant achievements, is an important reason. Asias development, thanks to the overall stable international and regional environment, thanks to the in-depth development of economic globalization and regional coopera



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