文综高考十年的波折(The ten years of the college entrance examination).doc

文综高考十年的波折(The ten years of the college entrance examination).doc

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文综高考十年的波折(The ten years of the college entrance examination)

文综高考十年的波折(The ten years of the college entrance examination) Information worth having It comes from the accumulation of learning There must be a problem Also please criticize the correct! | teaching and research | teaching design | measurement evaluation | history research | teaching materials | history |0 history bbs|1 history blog The ten years of the college entrance examination -- from guangdong's return to the college entrance examination in 2010 He was able to attend the secondary school of zhejiang normal university (321004). low This paper is published in the 9th issue of middle school history teaching in 2010 Since the cultural revolution, the college entrance exam has been restored The liberal-arts college entrance exam has been going on for 33 years Over the years, Guangdong takes the courage to improve the college entrance exam This year, Guangdong has changed from a single branch to a written one The response has been considerable As "the pioneer of the college entrance examination reform" A series of changes of guangdong college entrance examination system It reflects the basic context of the evolution of guangdong and the college entrance examination In 1999, China is expanding its enrollment in colleges and universities And the beginning of a new round of college entrance examination reform The ministry of education carried out a pilot program of "3 + X" The total score of Chinese, maths and English is taken Plus an "X" as an admission line It was tried in guangdong The scope of the "3 + X" pilot was gradually expanded Since 2002, it has been practiced nationwide There has been a lot of attention and controversy The "liberal arts foundation" in guangdong province is all subject to the subject of the new curriculum "X" is for the subjects There are nine disciplines: physics, chemistry, biology, politics, history, geography, music, fine arts, and sports You can choose any subject Chinese, mathematics and English are used in college admission Plus an "X


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