藤枝林道45K 崩塌地边坡稳定分析.DOC

藤枝林道45K 崩塌地边坡稳定分析.DOC

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藤枝林道45K 崩塌地边坡稳定分析

藤枝林道4.5K崩塌地邊坡穩定分析Slope Stability Analysis on the Tengjhih Forest Road 4.5K Landslide 研究生:林俊宏 Lin, Jun-Hong 指導教授:林金炳 Lin, Jin-Bing 王弘祐 Wang, Hung-Yu 【摘要】 屏東林管處所管轄荖濃溪事業區之藤枝林道,為通往藤枝森林遊樂區及山地部落(寶山、二集團)居民之主要聯外道路,全長約為20公里,因受先天性地質條件脆弱加上溯源侵蝕與坡面風化等因素影響,每逢颱風豪雨常導致邊坡崩塌,甚至產生路基流失與邊坡滑落之大型破壞災害。至98年8月8日莫拉克颱風挾帶豪大雨量,造成沿線邊坡多處崩塌,崩塌地範圍為0K~19.5K及花果山周邊,其中3.2K回頭彎局部遭上方崩塌土石掩蓋,4.5K邊坡大規模崩塌,5.1K回頭彎路基完全崩塌下陷,其他多處路基嚴重流失與邊坡崩塌等嚴重災害。故本研究針對藤枝林道災後調查,彙整2000年至2010年間各大颱風對藤枝林道造成破壞之里程,並選定林道4.5K處為研究試驗區,並利用PC-STABL軟體進行邊坡於地震、暴雨等各狀態下之穩定分析,其分析結果與內政部營建署所出版之「建築技術規則建築構造編基礎構造設計規範」中所規定最低安全係數作為比較,如分析之結果安全係數較建築技術規則低時,則施加穩定邊坡之結構,如擋土排樁、預力地錨等,其施加位置於日後欲修繕道路之下邊坡處,再進行邊坡施加穩定結構後於各狀態下之模擬,探討邊坡施加穩定之結構後邊坡滑動面變化及安全係數之差異,其結果期能提供管理單位對林道後續護坡工程規劃設計之參考。藤枝林道、莫拉克颱風、PC-STABL、邊坡穩定分析 Tengjhih forest road, with a length of 20km in Laonong stream watershed, is under the administration of Pingtung Forest District. It is the main traffic line that leads to Tengjhih Forest Recreation Area and the communities in the hill. Due to fragile geological conditions, headwater erosion, weathering processes, and heavy rainfall, slopes along the road often collapse. On August 8, 2009, Typhoon Morakot brought heavy rainfall and cause numbers of landslides roadbed collapse. Landslide area scattered from 0K ~ 19.5K of the road and in Huaguo moutain. The section on 3.2K were covered by collapsed debris, section on 5.1K completely collapsed and many other roadbeds were seriously damaged and slided. In this study, disasters of the Tengjhih Forest road were investigated. Location of damaged section caused by the major typhoons from 2000 to 2010 on the Tengjhih forest road are studied. The land slide on 4.5K is chosen for the study. PC STABL is used to analyze the slope under earthquakes, heavy rain, and other conditions, the factors of safty calculated are compared with the minimum requirements in Building Construction Code building code based on structural design wich is authorized by Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior. Slope sta


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