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潍坊供达经贸有限公司基本情况 Weifang for up to the basic situation of economic and trade limited company 一、企业概况 潍坊市茶叶批发交易市场是经潍坊市人民政府批准,由潍坊供达经贸有限公司开发组建,拥有资产总额3800万元,支柱产业为茶叶批发交易市场。目前市场占地20000多平方米,长期经营业户300余家,年交易额达3亿多元人民币,经营品种涵盖国内茶叶产区各种品牌、档次的茶叶、茶具、茶包装等。市场销售网络辐射整个胶东半岛,市场发展带动了潍坊地区茶叶种植开发,实现了茶叶种植从无到有,目前诸城等地茶园已扩大到8000余亩,地方品牌茶如“怡明”、 “碧龙春”等逐步走向市场,带动促进了包装、物流、餐饮、房地产等产业的发展。扩大了就业门路,增加就业岗位1200个,共计安排1500名下岗职工重新就业,带动了5000名农民进城务工经商。形成为山东半岛最大的茶叶集散中心,为全省第二大茶叶批发市场,成为服务“三农”、连接城乡、辐射全省、连通全国的大型现代批发市场。 1、company profile Weifang tea wholesale market is subject to approval of the peoples government of weifang, developed by weifang for economic and trade co., LTD, with total assets of 38 million yuan, a pillar industry for the tea wholesale market. The market covers an area of more than 20000 square meters, more than 300 long-term business establishment, annual turnover of 300 million yuan RMB, operating varieties covers domestic tea producing all kinds of brand, the scale of tea, tea sets, tea packaging, etc. Market sales network of radiation throughout the jiaodong peninsula, market development, and so did the weifang area tea growing development, realize the tea plant from scratch, the cities such as tea garden has expanded to more than 8000 acres, the local brand of tea, such as yi Ming, green Long Chun gradually to the market, such as in promoting the packaging, logistics, catering, real estate and other industries. Expanded employment, increasing jobs in 1200, a total of 1500 laid-off workers re-employment, led 5000 farmers to do business. Form for collecting and distributing centre of shandong peninsula, the largest tea, for the provinces second largest tea wholesale market, become the service three rural, radiation in the province, connected, connection of the national large-scale modern wholesale market. 企业产品、品牌及荣誉 目前市场经营品种涵盖国内茶叶产区各种品牌、档次的茶叶、茶具、茶包装等。公司已成为潍坊市首批农业产业化龙头企业;被潍坊市工商局授予五星级消费者满意企业、守合同重信用企业;被山东省精神文明委员会、山东省工商局授予山东省规范化文明诚信市场;2007年被中国流通协会市场专业委员会授予全国重点市场、AA级信用企业;全国十


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