Internal Control-Integrated Framework by COSO(COSO内部控制整合框架).pdf

Internal Control-Integrated Framework by COSO(COSO内部控制整合框架).pdf

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Internal Control-Integrated Framework by COSO(COSO内部控制整合框架)

Summary of Internal Control-Integrated Framework by COSO: COSO stands for “Commission of Sponsoring Organizations a private commission chartered to research and report on improving quality of financial reporting through business ethics, effective internal controls and corporate governance. The sponsoring organizations of COSO were American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Internal Auditors, Financial Executive International, Institute of Management Accountants, and American Accounting Association. COSO has prepared a document in 1992 on the Internal Controls-Integrated Framework. Because, Internal control has different meanings to different parties, COSO tries to establish a common definition and standard that can serve such parties. Under COSO’s report, (quoted from July 1994 Edition of COSO Internal Controls-Integrated Framework, “COSO Report”), “Internal Control is broadly defined as a process, effected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: • Effectiveness and efficiency of operations. • Reliability of financial reporting. • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The first categories address an entity’s basic business objective, including performance and profitability goals and safeguarding of resources. The second relates to the preparation of reliable published financial statements, including interim and condensed financial statements and selected financial data derived from such statements, such as earnings, reported publicly. The third d



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