Introduction to Augmented Reality - LNCC(介绍了增强现实LNCC).pdf

Introduction to Augmented Reality - LNCC(介绍了增强现实LNCC).pdf

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Introduction to Augmented Reality - LNCC(介绍了增强现实LNCC)

Introduction to Augmented Reality R. Silva, J. C. Oliveira, G. A. Giraldi National Laboratory for Scientific Computation, Av. Getulio Vargas, 333 - Quitandinha - Petropolis-RJ Brazil rodrigo,jauvane, ABSTRACT This paper presents an overview of basic aspects of Augmented Reality (AR) and the main concepts of this technology. It describes the main fields in which AR is applied nowadays and important AR devices. Some characteristics of Augmented Reality systems will be discussed and this paper will provide an overview of them. Future directions are discussed. Keywords: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Scientific Visualization 1 INTRODUCTION Augmented Reality (AR) is a new technology that involves the overlay of computer graph- ics on the real world (Figure 1). One of the best overviews of the technology is [4], that defined the field, described many problems, and summarized the developments up to that point. That paper provides a starting point Figure 1: AR example with virtual for anyone interested in researching or using chairs and a virtual lamp. Augmented Reality. In telepresence, the fundamental purpose is AR is within a more general context termed to extend operator’s sensory-motor facilities Mixed Reality (MR) [20], which refers to and problem solving abilities to a remote en- a multi-axis spectrum of areas that cover vironment. In this sense, telepresence can be Virtual Reality (VR), AR, telepresence, and defined as a human/machine system in which other r



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