Introduction to Druidry (Celtic Neo-Paganism)(介绍了德鲁伊(凯尔特Neo-Paganism)).pdf

Introduction to Druidry (Celtic Neo-Paganism)(介绍了德鲁伊(凯尔特Neo-Paganism)).pdf

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Introduction to Druidry (Celtic Neo-Paganism)(介绍了德鲁伊(凯尔特Neo-Paganism))

Introduction to Druidry (Celtic Neo-Paganism) The Neo-Pagan movement is a wide spread, diverse form of contemporary spirituality. It encompasses spiritual revival or reconstruction movements that draw upon the pre-Christian spiritual traditions of Eastern and Western Europe, the British Isles, as well as traditions from Africa, Asia, and North America. In a more specific sense, however, the term neo-paganism has come to refer almost entirely to pre-Christian revival or reconstruction movements based in the traditions of Europe and the UK. Wicca, or contemporary Witchcraft, is probably the most popular and widespread of these neo-pagan movements. A second popular version of contemporary neo-paganism is Celtic Neo-Paganism, or Druidism. As we will see, many of the elements of contemporary Witchcraft are also to be found in Celtic Druidry, for Witchcraft has borrowed heavily from celtic sources. There are also considerable differences between Celtic neo-paganism and contemporary Witchcraft, however, and you should watch for those as you are reading the material. Although there is considerable overlap in beliefs and membership, contemporary Celtic Druidry is a separate religious system within the broader Neo-pagan movement from its sister tradition of Witchcraft. Historical Influences and Precursors As with contemporary Witchcraft, in order to understand contemporary Celtic Neo- Paganism it is necessary to explore some of the precursors to the modern religious movement. Celtic neo-paganism has three main sources of inspiration. Palaeo-Pagan Druidism The first source of inspiration, referred by neo-pagan scholar and ADF Arch Druid Isaac Bonewits as paleo-pagan Druidism, are the beliefs, philosophies, practices and culture of Celtic peoples in pre-Christian times. Celtic peoples were those peoples who lived in the British Isles and in Europe in the Bri



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