高中英语:unit 5《music》课件-reading ii(新人教版必修2)..pptVIP

高中英语:unit 5《music》课件-reading ii(新人教版必修2)..ppt

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ks5u精品课件 * * * * Reading II back Book 2 Reading II back A story about a frog Hello, everyone. My name is Freddy. When Freddy was young, he was a little tadpole. As time went by quickly, he soon became a frog. One day, Freddy sat on the water lily leaf and slid his long, thin legs into the water. Suddenly, he heard some music across the lake .…… Then what would happen? Listen to the tape for the first time and answer the following question. What did Freddy find when he swam slowly towards the sound? He found three confident frogs sitting still on the leaf and playing the instruments. Freddy the frog Freddy the frog dipped his long, thin legs into the water. Within a few short weeks he had changed from a small tadpole into the beautiful animal he was now. he smiled to himself. Then suddenly he heard a fine, deep sound that carried far into the darkness of the quiet night. Freddy looked up. “other frogs! I must try and find them,” he thought. “It’s so hard being a grown-up frog on my own.” script He began to swim slowly towards the sound. Suddenly he knocked into a large lily pad. On it sat three confident frogs and they were playing instruments. Freddy climbed onto the leaf. “Can I sing with you?” he asked quietly. “Of course,” they said. He opened his mouth wide and began: Help! I need somebody, Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Help! When I was young and so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way. But now these days are gone, I’m not so self-assured. Now I find – I’ve changed my mind, I’ve opened up the doors. (chorus) Help me if you can, I’m feeling down. And I do appreciate you being round. Help me get my feet back on the ground. Won’t you please, please help me! Listen to the tape for the second time and do the true or false exercise. Freddy had changed form a man to a frog. He felt lonely in his lake till he met his friends on the lily leaf. The singers of the band could sing very loudly. Freddy thought he c


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