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题目 网上盆景销售系统的设计与实现 Online Bonsai Sales System Based on the Design and Implementation 摘 要 在社会经济迅速发展的今天,人们的生活水平不断提高,人们对环境的要求也越来越高,盆景以其独特的价值已经成为美化、绿化环境的重要组成部分。传统的以店铺为主的盆景销售模式已经不能满足现有经济的发展,面对多用户多信息的销售,建立一个网上盆景销售的快速便捷的交易平台系统,使卖家可以随时进行宣传、销售产品,及时的了解掌握消费者的心理诉求,节省大量的销售成本,让用户足不出户就能够在网上买到自己所需的盆景,形成双赢的局面。 网上盆景销售系统基于B/S模式,使用面向对象程序设计语言Java,SSH为关键技术,MyEclipse为开发工具,MySQL为数据库。它的用户功能包括:用户注册、登录、个人信息、盆景信息、购物车、订单信息、支付、留言。管理员的功能:登录、会员管理、盆景管理、盆景分类管理、订单管理、留言管理、销售统计。本开发过程详尽论述了需求分析、系统分析、设计、详细设计、以及与的整个开发过程,总结了开发过程中的经验及本系统今后的改进方向。Abstract In today's social and economic rapid development, people's living standards improve, people also more and more high to the requirement of environment, bonsai, with its unique value has become an important part of beautification, greening the environment. Traditional stores primarily bonsai sales model already can't satisfy the existing economic development, in the face of multiple user information of sales, set up an online bonsai sales of quick and convenient trading platform system, make the seller can be promote, sell products, timely grasp of consumer's psychological demands, save a lot of the cost of sales, let users never leave home can buy on the net you need bonsai, forming a win-win situation. Bonsai of online sales system based on B/S mode, using object oriented programming language Java, SSH as the key technology and MyEclipse as development tools, the MySQL database. Its user features include: user register, login, bonsai of personal information, information, shopping cart, order information, payment, leave a message. The function of the administrator login, member management, bonsai, potted landscape classification management, order management, message management, sales statistics. Bonsai of online sales system development process were introduced in this paper, detailed discusses the requirement analysis, system analysis, general design, detailed design, and implementation and testing of the entire development process, summed up the experie


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