学术英语如何做演讲How to do a presentation.ppt

学术英语如何做演讲How to do a presentation.ppt

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学术英语如何做演讲How to do a presentation

I. What is a presentation? A presentation is publicly speaking to an audience with intent to inform, demonstrate, explain or persuade. The presentation is normally written, then performed and includes an introduction, a body consisting of main points and a conclusion. The subject matter, choice of words and delivery all depend on the audience. Visual aids are often incorporated into the presentation, if meaningful and relevant. Nearly all types of speeches fall into three main categories -- informative, persuasive and motivational. 例3:行动 “我的建议已告诉诸位。时间已刻不容缓。如果我们想避免灾难,那就必须立即行动。要想保证公司未来的繁荣,希望各位不要再迟疑,行动起来!” 例4:选择 “在我看来,我们有三种选择:或者接受工会最后通牒;或者争取时间考虑我们的立场;或者采取最后行动。” 例5:灌输忧患 “所以,女士们,先生们,如果我们不能在下季度将销售额提高10%,并保持这一增长水平一两年,那么我们公司将面临倒闭的危险。 ” 5. Putting it all together Classic presentation structure Introduction outline main parts summary conclusion Assessment form for presentation before the presentation Define the audience Clarify the objectives / purpose Plan the content Design suitable visual aids Control the length Follow a clear structure Summary and conclusion During the presentation Keep eye contact with the audience Don’t rush (remember to pause) Articulate clearly and project your voice III. Special speaking situations 1. Manuscript speaking ▲ Use “spoken style” ▲ Write and edit ▲ Prepare the manuscript 2. Impromptu speaking ▲ Anticipate ▲ Keep your remarks short ▲ Organize as well as you can ▲ Relate to experience 3. Team presentations ▲ Organize as a whole ▲ Provide content transitions between speakers ▲ Use visual aids consistently ▲ Rehearse and deliver as a group ▲ Answer questions consistently 4. Media and telecommunications ▲ Preparing in advance ▲ Using audio devices ▲ Being on camera EXERCISE: Prepare a short presentation to last five minutes. Your audience a



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