A Comparison of the Distortion of Machined (加工变形的比较).pdf

A Comparison of the Distortion of Machined (加工变形的比较).pdf

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A Comparison of the Distortion of Machined (加工变形的比较)

Recent Advances in Manufacturing Engineering A Comparison of the Distortion of Machined Parts Resulting From Residual Stresses Within Workpieces J-F. CHATELAIN(1), J-F. LALONDE(2), A.S. TAHAN(1) (1) Mechanical Engineering Department Université du Québec (École de technologie supérieure) 1100 Notre-Dame Street West, Montréal, Québec (2) Bombardier Aerospace 1800 Marcel-Laurin, St-Laurent, Québec CANADA jfchatelain@mec.etsmtl.ca http://www.etsmtl.ca Abstract:- The distortion of machined components is a major concern in the manufacture of structural aerospace components. The distribution of machining-induced stresses can affect a component’s ability to withstand severe loading conditions, as well as causing dimensional and geometrical deviations. It can also lead to high rejection rates and quality-related problems during component assembly. It is therefore essential to understand the mechanism that is at the root of parts distortion; this could result both from existing residual stresses in workpieces or induced by the machining process. This paper proposes an experimental approach to determine the influence of existing residual stresses within workpieces on the distortion of parts following machining operations. Two types of raw material were machined; one standard aluminum alloy and one free of residual stress. The stresses were measured before and after the machining process for both



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