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24 3 System s Engineering and Electronics Vol124 , No13 2002 : 1001O506X( 2002) 03O0007O04 MoM-PWS 胡鸿飞, 高 雪, 傅德民, 毛乃宏 ( 西安电子科技大学天线与微波技术国家重点实验室, 陕西 西安710071) : 提出了近场诊断测量中实现近场- 口径场变换的MoM- PWS 方法该方法 于矩量法和平面波谱理 论, 通过特殊的矩阵方程将被测天线口径场与由近远场变换获得的远场方向图联系起来, 采用 FFT 技术和空间域 的Fourier 重构法求解口径场的幅相分布, 从而能够修正探头的效应, 避免了忽略衰减波对口径诊断精度的影响 通过数值模拟和诊断实验, 说明了MoM- PWS 方法的正确性有效性和工程实用性 : 近场; 测量方法; 矩量法; 平面波谱 : TN820 : A A Hybrid Technique From the Method of Moments andPlane-Wave Spectrumfor Transformation From Near-Field to Aperture-Field HU Hong- fei, GAO Xue, FU De-m in, MAO Nai-hong (State Key Lab. f orAntennas and Microwave Technology, Xidian University, Xi. an 71 71, China) Abstract: A hybrid technique from the method of moments and plane-w ave spectrum (MoM- PWS) is developed for transforma- tion from nea-r f ield to aperture-f ield in near-f ield diagnostic measurements Based on the MoM- PWS theory, this technique relates aperture-field of the antenna under test to f ar-field patterns obtained by transformation from near-field to far-f ield in terms of special matrix equations, w ith the solution to amplitude- phase distribution of the aperture-f ield found by FFT and Fourier reconstruction Therefore, it is possible for this technique to compensate for the effect of probe and avoid the effect of neglect of evanescent wave on diagnostic accuracy for the aperture-field MoM-PWS is proved to be accurate, effective and useful in practice by numerical simula- tions and a diagnostic experiment ey


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