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发生在身边的环境问题 在当前城市化进程加快,城市经济快速增长和城市人口不断增加的前提下,资源、能源的短缺给城市环境带来了持久压力;居民消费模式的改变所造成的生活污水、垃圾大量增加等消费型污染的处理问题,也给城市环境管理带来巨大挑战。 With the fast development of urbanization and economic growth, the shortage of resources and energy bring lasting pressure to the urban environment. The change of citizens consumer model which lead to the water pollution problem and increasing piles of garbage also brings huge challenges to the management of urban environment. 一是城市环境污染边缘化问题日益显现。城市周边地区更多地承担着来自中心城区生产、生活所产生的污水、垃圾、工业废气等污染,城市周边地区的水体(包括地表水和地下水)、土壤、大气污染问题更为突出,影响了城市区域和城乡协调发展。 First one is the increasingly appeared problems of marginality urban environment pollution . The surrounding areas of the cities are influenced more by the city centre production, life produced sewage and garbage, industrial gas contamination and so on. The waters problems (including surface water and groundwater), soil and air pollution in the surrounding areas of the citiesis more outstanding. Thus influence the coordinated development between urban and rural areas. 二是机动车污染问题更为严峻。从大气环境来看,由于人民生活水平的提高,机动车特别是私家车数量快速增加,机动车尾气已经成为城市空气污染的第一大污染源。按照目前机动车的发展趋势,如果不能有效控制机动车污染,城市空气污染将是城市发展,特别是大城市发展面临的严峻问题。 The second one is that the vehicle pollution becomes more severe . Seen from the atmospheric environment, the number of motor vehicle especially the private cars is rapidly increasing for the improvement of peoples living standard. The motor vehicle exhaust air pollution has become the first major sources of air pollution. According to the current trend of the development of motor vehicles, if theres no effective control measurement of vehicle pollution, air pollution, especially the development of large cities will be the most severe problem. 三是城市生态失衡问题不断严重。现代城市被钢筋水泥的建筑所统治,城市自然生态系统受到了严重破坏,“城市热岛”“城市荒漠”等问题突出。同时,城市自然生态系统的退化,进一步降低了城市自然生态系统的环境承载力,加剧了资源环境供给和城市社会经济发展的矛盾。 The third one is that imbalance ecological problems continue to be more serious. The modern city is constituted by the concrete buildings, the natural ecosyste



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