Driving a Manual Transmission Vehicle(驾驶手动变速器的车辆).pdf

Driving a Manual Transmission Vehicle(驾驶手动变速器的车辆).pdf

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Driving a Manual Transmission Vehicle(驾驶手动变速器的车辆)

Driving a Manual Transmission Vehicle A lot of new manual transmission vehicles are now coming out with a ‘no roll back’ feature. This should make manual transmission vehicles much more popular. It may also make some of what I am telling you obsolete. I imagine, though, that many dyed-in-the-wool manual drivers will not opt for the ‘no roll back’ feature. They will probably feel that it is too sissified. Therefore, I also imagine that regular manuals will be around for a while. The information that follows is for manuals without the ‘no roll back’ feature. Parking and Starting the vehicle Normally when you park a manual transmission vehicle, you leave it in either low or reverse with the parking brake set. Therefore when you start the vehicle you would put the clutch in and shift it to Neutral. Start the vehicle with the clutch in. After you have started the vehicle, if you want to leave it running you can gradually release the clutch while keeping the foot brake on. In this way, if you make a mistake and the vehicle is not in neutral, it will stall rather than run into something. Make sure that anyone else who is driving the vehicle is doing the same thing. Getting the Vehicle Moving Without Rolling Back or Stalling I think that most people feel that if they could just get the vehicle moving without rolling back, or stalling, that they would be all right. As for the rest of it, they could ‘fake it until the make it’. The vehicle stalls when you bring the clutch too high, before the vehicle gets moving. In fact, most new drivers of manuals will have a hard time believing this but, you absolutely cannot stall a manual transmission vehicle when it is moving. This is assuming of course that there are no other problems with it, such as being out of gas. Want proof; try this. In a quiet area, while moving forward, put the clutch in and turn off the ignition. Make sure that you don’t turn the key to the lock position. You still need to steer. Now



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