Driving Innovation Through Analytics Oracle(通过分析甲骨文推动创新).pdf

Driving Innovation Through Analytics Oracle(通过分析甲骨文推动创新).pdf

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Driving Innovation Through Analytics Oracle(通过分析甲骨文推动创新)

E X E C U T I V E S T R A T E G Y S E R I E S Driving Innovation Through Analytics Driving Innovation Through Analytics Digital data volumes are increasing tenfold every five years, and yet a majority of executives say they are not getting the information they need to make important decisions— 36 percent say their business units and functional operations are making decisions based on inconsistent information. Are you getting the information you need to run a successful business in today’s competitive climate? As the #1 vendor in business analytics with the industry’s most complete and most integrated range of enterprise-class analytics solutions, Oracle leads the way in helping organizations connect performance metrics with financial and operational plans and embed analytics into core business processes. Evolving from Efficiency to Effectiveness to Business Transformation Efficiency First Over the past 25 years, organizations of all sizes have been implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems that have allowed them to • Integrate and automate business processes • Reduce costs • Increase velocity • Improve customer relationships Early adopters of ERP gained competitive advantages through resulting operational efficiencies. However, as these transactional business applications matured and as adoption became almost universal, operational efficiencies alone no longer provided as much of a competitive edge as they did previously. For today’s CIOs and CEOs, analytics is a top priority—especially for those who recognize the potential of analytics to extend the value of their existing transactional business application deployments. E X E C U T I V E S T R A T E G Y S E R I E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 2 Effectiveness Augmenting transaction



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