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Unit 7 The Practice of International Ocean Cargo Transportation 国际海洋货物运输 本年历年试卷I考试的分值在1~6分左右 本节重点: 1) 班轮公会运输 2) 非班轮公会运输 3) 无船承运人 4) 不定期船 5) 主要的运输单据 Shipping constitutes the principal mode of international transport and is estimated to carry about 90 percent of international trade in terms of volume. constitute[k?nst?tju?t] 组成,构成;建立;任命 be estimated to 预计 海运是国际运输中主要的运输方式,估计在国际贸易运输中占90%左右。 Consequently, it is very important for the freight forwader to be able to identify the formalities relating to carriage of goods by sea to be able to provide an efficient service. identify [a?dent?fa?] 确定;鉴定;辨认出; formality [f??m?l?t?]正式手续 因此,对货运代理来说,重要的是能够了解有关海上货物运输的手续,以便提供有效的服务 be familiar with: 熟悉... trade routes: 贸易线路 knowledge: 知识 (have knowledge of: 具备...知识,可以引申为“了解,熟悉” traffic routes: 运输线路 location: 位置 transshipment points: 转运地 inland centers: 内陆中心 一、Transport Geography 运输地理学 An international freight forwarder should be familiar with international trade routes. He or she should have knowledge of main traffic routes, location of ports, transshipment points and inland centers. 国际货运代理人应熟悉国际贸易线路。他应该熟悉主要的交通线路,港口的位置,转运地和内陆中心。 A freight forwarder should also have a general idea of the pattern of international trade and its changing trends. pattern: 型式,模式 trend: 走向,方向,趋势,倾向 一个货运代理人应该对国际贸易的模式和其改变的趋势有一个整体的概念。 namely: 即,就是,换句话说(=that is) conference lines: 班轮公会运输  non-conference lines: 非班轮公会运输  non-vessel operation. common carriers: 无营运船公共承运人  tramp service: 不定期船运输 (tramp: 在这里是指的“不定期航行”) 不同类型的海上运输服务 二、Different Types of shipping services 不同类型的海上运输服务 1、国际海洋运输的类型 The international shipping market offers four types of service, namely, conference lines, non-conference lines, non-vessel operation co


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