027 圆刚--不使用有毒物俪兄Z书.pdf

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027 圆刚--不使用有毒物俪兄Z书

Disuse Certificate of Hazardous Substances 不使用有毒物質承諾書 To AVerMedia Technologies Inc. 致圓剛科技股份有限公司 We hereby certify that all of the green-compliance or environmental-friendly products to be delivered from our company to AverMedia Group, except those identified in the following empty column, fulfill the control limits of hazardous substances as specified in AverMedia’s document A-D-R088 Version 1.1 (see attachment), and that none of the hazardous substances is used in the manufacturing of the supplied products. 本公司在此慎重聲明,本公司交貨至圓剛科技股份有限公司及其關係企業(以下簡稱貴 公司)標註無鉛無毒的產品,除下列欄位內所註記說明之外,均符合圓剛科技 A-D-R088, Version 1.1 文件(如附表)所列的有害物質管制值的要求,並且於生產製程中不使用該 物質。 Describe the part name and the reason of non-conformance if any. (請描述不符合之產品名稱及原因) Use additional paper if space is not enough (如果空間不足,請加頁說明) The Company will cover all costs, damages and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred by Avermedia Group and will pay award with respect to the settlement of any such claim. 若有違反前述保證,本公司願意承擔一切責任並賠償貴公司所產生之一切損失。 Supplier’s Name Company Seal (供應商名稱及用印 ): Responsible Person Signature (負責人簽章 ): Date (日期 ): Attachment (附件) Control Limits of Hazardous Substances as per AverMedia’s Document A-D-R088, Version 1.1 圓剛科技股份有限公司有害物質管制值一覽表 (參考文件 : A-D-R088, Version 1.1) Hazardous Substances Item (有害物質種類) Controlled Applications Unit Limit Exemption per RoHS (管制用途) (單位) (管制值) (適用的 RoHS 排除條款) English Name Chinese Name Stabilizers; Pigments and dyes used in the (a) Glass of cathode ray tubes, plastics and rubber


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