Challenges to Water Resource Management in Marginal Land课件.ppt

Challenges to Water Resource Management in Marginal Land课件.ppt

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Challenges to Water Resource Management in Marginal Land课件

Challenges to Water Resource Management and Land Degradation Prevention in Marginal Land;Contents;What is marginal land?;Table1 Regional distribution of people living on fragile land in 2000 ;Regional distribution of people living on fragile land;Problems in water resource management and environmental conservation in marginal lands ;Shiyang River Watershed: A case of marginal land ;Table2 Change in water resource supply in Shiyanghe River watershed;Table3 Regional distribution of economy and population in Shiyanghe River watershed;Table4 Demand of water resource in Shiyanghe River watershed in 2000;Utilization of water resource and intensive farming in upstream region;Allocation of water resource between upstream and downstream regions ;Table5 Change in water resource supply in Minqin Oasis (downstream);Dried-up reservoir and irrigation canals in Minqin due to the decline in surface runoff and underground permeation from upper region;Table6 Estimation of water resource demand and supply in Minqin in 1990s;Gap between usable water resource and actual use of water resource;Slim flow of canal in Minqin ;Incompatibility between efficient utilization of water resource and technical and financial barriers;Technical, financial and institutional barriers;Effects of decrease in water resource supply on land degradation;Table7 Change in underground water level in Minqin Oasis;Consequences following decline in underground water table ;Abandoned cultivated land and Soil salinization ;Fennels in saline field;Withered trees and grass;Out-migrated hamlet;Challenges to water resource management and land degradation prevention;Considerable Solutions to water resource management;Possibility of shifting supply curve right(开源的可能性);Possibility of shifting demand curve left(节流的可能性);Increasing price: incentives to improve efficiency (价格杠杆);Solution to water resource management;How to allocate the quota of water resource use and how to account for compensation?;Future Issues on Water R


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