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COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS;WHAT IS COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS? ;Definition of Cognitive Linguistics;Construal and Construal Operations ;Construal operations are conceptualizing processes used in language process by human beings. That is, construal operations are the underlying psychological processes and resources employed in the interpretation of linguistic expressions. 识解操作是人类在语言处理过程中概念化的过程。或者说,识解操作是理解语言表达方式所使用的基本心理过程和心理来源。 ;(1) Attention / Salience(突显);;(2) Judgment / Comparison;The figure-ground alignment seems to apply to space with the ground as the prepositional object and the preposition expressing the spatial relational configuration.图形-背景关系似乎可以运用于空间研究,背景充当了介词宾语和表征空间关系的介词。 It also applies to our perception of moving objects. Since the moving object is typically the most prominent one, because it is moving, it is typically the figure, while the remaining stimuli constituent the ground. 这种关系也适用于我们感知运动的物体。因为,运动物体是典型的突出物,成为典型的图形,而其余的刺激构成了背景。;;(3) Perspective / Situatedness (位置);DEIXIS involves linguistic forms that point at something from the speech situation. In cognitive terms, deixis is the use of elements of subject’s situatedness to designate something in the scene. There are many other types of deixis: 1) person deixis construes the relations between the participants in the speech situation; 2) social deixis construes social relationships between participants in the discourse; 3) textual / discursive deixis construes the relation to previous mention in discourse. ;Categorization ;(1) Basic level ;Consequently, basic level categories are also the most economical ones in that it is at this level that you can find the most relevant information. The information on our interactions with objects in the real world are stored at this level that we conjure up the general gestalt of the category. 基本层次范畴是最经济的层次,在此层次你可以发现许多相关信息。我们与外界事物相互作用所产生的许多信息均储存于此层次,正是在这个层次我们可以构成范畴的格式塔。 ;All these characteristics can be summed up under Croft and Cruse’s four points (2004:83): (i) Th


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