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2002 12 13 12
CHI NESE JOU RNAL OF A PPLIED ECOL OGY , Dec. 2002, 13( 12) ∃1605~ 1609
1* * 2
白文明 包雪梅
( 1 , 100093; 2 , 100094)
, ( M ed icago sat iv a) ,
. ,
, .
100 1- 9332( 2002) 12- 1605- 05 Q945. 32 A
1 2 1
Simulation alfalfa growth in Wulanbuhe sandy region. BA I W enming , BAO Xuemei ( L a bor atory of Q uant i
tat iv e Vegetat ion Ecology , I ns tit ute of B otany , Chinese A cademy of Sc iences , Beij ing 100093 Dep art ment of
P lant N utrit ion, China A gr icult ur al Un iv er sity , B eij ing 100094) . Chin . J . A pp l . E col . , 2002, 13( 12) : 1605
~ 1609.
Ba ed on the theorie of accumulated temperatur e and on the phy ioecological char acteri tic of Medicag o sat i
v a , a imulat ion model for it grow th under oil w ater tr e in arid andy regio n wa developed. T he model wa
mainly compo ed of four module : the tage module of grow th, the dynamic module of leaf ar ea index, the accu
mulated module of dry matter, and the di tributive module of dry matter. After imulating and calculating, the
model could be u ed to predict t he growing progre and dynamic chang e of leaf area and y ield for her bage in
andy regio n. T he re ult how that the applicat ion of the model to production i u ually effective.
Key words Wulanbuhe andy region, A lfalfa, Growt h, Simulation.
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