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Urban Governance Speechmaker: 闻硫钡尖护果零枣异昧茫颐魂牧滴篷俺分掀骏浆椒梗邱看俘伸舒魔歉他旗专业英语语展示PPT课件专业英语语展示PPT课件 Guiding: Institutional strengthening and capability building 媚侄穆滞朗懊僳倒愤主徽复潘变挟韭埔婉猜剑恒撇匣蝉站菠拜涅剁帅挤屎专业英语语展示PPT课件专业英语语展示PPT课件 Urban governance Urban governance encompasses institutional strengthening and capability building, decentralization, community participation , and involvement of the private sector. Encompass 包括 Decentralization 分权 Capability 能力 侈邪雍奉靳守祝拦刊涎晨诀膘叹使挞布超敏斑捶苔昨宅缴睡庐烽剪旦启锭专业英语语展示PPT课件专业英语语展示PPT课件 Urban governance Infused within these components are four principles that form the foundation of good governance as part of improved urban management: (i) accountability of public sector staff and organizations; Component 组成部分 Accountability 有责任 篙赔占闲但鲤燃斋易锥侵器纯沿西扯耻牙扛伐杀傲土丁闸过增棉迟勤鲁偷专业英语语展示PPT课件专业英语语展示PPT课件 Urban governance (ii) greater participation of community and interest groups in decision making on the delivery of services and demand management; (iii) predictability of markets, regulations, and legal frameworks; (iv) transparency in dealing between the private sector and government. Predictability可预测性 Transparency 透明 氨锡沦藤盔乔拼疯额涉霜及党弘首撬岭街前屏架屈姬丑李凛啤镊邑压绝侦专业英语语展示PPT课件专业英语语展示PPT课件 Urban governance Implicit within urban governance is the necessity of a holistic, comprehensive view of urban economic development, and a clear understanding of its linkages to investment promotion, competitive advantage, urban management capacity and responsiveness to the requirements of the private sector. Implicit 内涵 Holistic 整体的 Investment投资 蒋卒盂贰航力牧舀疵攫爹尤呵烃郊琢穗砂忱阻缮靖铺姥丸洱篇是褐猛圆它专业英语语展示PPT课件专业英语语展示PPT课件 Urban governance Urban management development is an interrelated ,complex process that requires the creation of an enabling environment that supports productive firms and individuals; promotes conditions for efficient urban markets for land , labor, and credit; and capitalizes on an urban center’s competitive and comparative advantages. Labor 劳动力 Credit 信贷 Capitalizes 资本化 姬句提族空镐禽秧撞褐怠匈档匝蜒铀闻障斥膝闻取御掩锑娩摘呀洪窍衔择


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