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Unit7 Health ;1. What is health? 2. How to keep fit? ;Smoking Is Not Allow Here;Smoke-free 无烟的 Smoker n.吸烟者 Non-smoker n.不吸烟者 Office n.办公室 Within prep.在……内 Public adj.公共的;n.公众 Area n.地方,地区,面积 ;;Daily adj.每日的 Habit n.习惯 Relax v.放松 Foolish adj.愚蠢的 Wrong adj.错误的 Effect n.效果,影响 ;;Cigarette n.香烟 Dangerous adj.危险的 Shorten v.缩短 Death n.死亡 Cause v.引起,导致;n.原因,起因 Cancer n.癌症 Lung n.肺 ;;在(within)办公室(office)这个公共的(public)地方(area),本应该是无烟的(smoke-free),但是里面却有吸烟者(smoker)和不吸烟者(non-smoker)。这些吸烟者有一个日常的(daily)习惯(habit)—吸烟放松(relax),这是个愚蠢的(foolish)而且错误的(wrong)做法,因为香烟有坏的影响(effect)。吸烟(cigarette )是危险的(dangerous),它能缩短(shorten)吸烟者的寿命---因为有很多死亡(death)是由肺部(lung)癌症(cancer)引起(cause)的。;Smoking Is Not Allowed Here;1.In many countries, people can’t smoke in the office any more and they can’t smoke even within the building 在许多国家,人们再也不能在办公室里吸烟了,甚至在楼内也不准吸烟。;Any more(常用于否定句和疑问句) “再也(不)”。如: I will not come here any more. 注意与not any longer的区别。not any more 指数量上不再增加,而not any longer 指时间上不再延长。如: He doesn’t live here any longer. ;2.Department stores and restaurants are also becoming smoke-free. 百货商店和饭馆也变成无烟场所了。 这里的 “smoke-free”是“无烟的”,而不要翻译成“随意吸烟的”。 smoke-free “无烟的;禁止吸烟的”。Smoke-free area 无烟区。 ;3.It won’t be very long before smoking is not allowed anywhere in public areas. 用不了多久,吸烟在任何公共场所都要被禁止。 It won’t be long before…意为“在……之前时间不会很长”“过了不久就……”。 ;For some people, smoking has become a daily habit. 对于一些吸烟者来说,吸烟已经成为了一种日常的习惯。 They think that smoking makes them feel happy and helps them relax. 他们认为吸烟能让他们放松和舒服。 ;4.What makes things worse is that some famous actors show smoking on TV. 更糟的是,在电视上出现一些名演员吸烟的镜头。 What makes things worse…是主语从句。that…是表语从句。 ;5.This makes people think that smoking is cool and is a fashion of the day. 这使得人们认为吸烟很“酷”,是当今的“时尚”。 a fashion of the day “时尚;时代新潮”。 ;Those ideas are foolish and wrong. 这些想法是愚蠢而且错误的。 6.In fact, smoking has many bad effects on people’s health. 实际上,吸烟对人们的健康有很多不良影响。 In fact “事实上”。如: I thought the work was difficult to do. In fact, it was very easy. 我认为这



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